While silica has many valuable uses, it can also present a danger when workers are exposed to excessive amounts of crystalline silica dust. In fact, each year there are hundreds of deaths and thousands of illnesses attributed to harmful exposures to silica dust.
Crystalline silica is a naturally occurring substance used in a wide variety of industries and construction operations. It is also a common additive in food and pharmaceutical applications. While silica has many valuable uses, it can also present a danger when workers are exposed to excessive amounts of crystalline silica dust. In fact, each year there are hundreds of deaths and thousands of illnesses attributed to harmful exposures to silica dust.
What is Crystalline Silica Dust?
Dangers of Exposure to Silica Dust for Short Term and Long Term Periods Can Result in Serious Diseases. Choose a Dustless Tile Removal Contractor Instead.
Over 2 million workers are exposed to respirable crystalline silica dust each year at construction type of jobs. Crystalline silica dust is a chemical compound that is formed from oxygen atoms and silicon. Silica dust comes in both non-hazardous amorphous and hazardous crystalline. This is an extremely abundant mineral on the plant that is naturally found in materials like stone, clay, concrete, sand, and much more.
These materials are building blocks that are used to create landscaping and building materials like tiles, bricks, concrete, glass, ceramics, and much more. Crystalline silica dust is produced during tile removal, mining, quarrying, tunneling, and excavating.
Respirable crystalline silica dust is the dust that gets released from materials that contain silica — in high-energy operations like sanding, crushing, chipping, grinding, cutting, sawing, and more. The dust particles are fine and one-hundred times smaller than 1 grain of sand.

Osha regulations on crystalline silica dust
OSHA has developed regulations for general industry, maritime operations, and the construction industry.
Check out other locations we are currently servicing or areas where we are looking for new contractors: If so, you should talk to your flooring contractor about obtaining the patented dust-free DustRam® System invented by Jack King. This system has been in continuous development and consists of multiple components, some of which are 3-D printed in-house. Here is a video showing how even the design of the DustRam® is superior to other flooring removal tools:
If your flooring store, flooring installer, or tile removal company is NOT using this system, then you can expect your home to be filled with dust when any tile is removed.

Occupational Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica

OSHA Regulation 1910.1053 for General Industry and Maritime operations.

OSHA Construction Regulation 1926.1153 for Construction Industry.

How exposure to crystalline silica affects the human body.

What requirements must be implemented by organizations under the OSHA silica standards.

What engineering controls and work practice controls are used to limit exposure.

Which types of respiratory protection provide protection from silica dust.

What information can be found in Table 1 of the Construction Regulation.
Dust-Free Tile Removal VS Traditional
Tile Removal
Dustless Tile Removal By DustRam®
We Capture and Contain Crystalline Silica Dust Never Expelling it Back into the Home! Choose a Dust-Free Solution to Prevent it From Pervading Your Home.